
Measures To Avoid Elder Abuse And What Can Be Done

Here are following measures to prevent and avoid mistreatment of old people or you can reach out to firms like barr & young attorneys for instance to help you:

What Can Be Done?

Promote Awareness Campaigns On The Value Of The Elderly

– On the basis that people are valuable regardless of their age and status. The experience and wisdom gained by age are positive points and must be considered.

– Promote participation in social, leisure, and cultural activities.

Promote The Participation Of Older People In Society

– From the different communities, town councils, or councils, launch programs that promote activities aimed at older people to share their experiences. An old man who does not share his experiences is because nobody asks him about his life, which leads to depression and dying before their time. After all, they feel useless.

Stigmatizing Language Is Removed.

– Avoiding expressions such as ” Passive class, “Assisted, “Sick of. ” Their contributions, in many cases, allow the support of today’s society.

Encourage Social Relationships

Avoiding social isolation is one of the main problems of the elderly population regardless of whether they live in their own home or a more institutionalized environment such as a nursing home or foster home.

Promote Specific Services For Elder Abuse

– Services similar to 016 or the Gender Violence law ensure and protect the elderly population who are victims of physical, psychological, or economic abuse. Avoid in this way taking advantage of the elderly.

Promote Proper Care

– Specific training in the good treatment of the elderly, care focused on the person, in their life history in their aspects such as food, clothing, hygiene or other personal aspects. Own and individual elections and with your participation.

Promote Good Environmental Design

– Achieving healthy, accessible, comfortable, safe, and meaningful environments; manifested in different ways such as safe electrical installations, fine furniture, rooms with the right temperature, cozy and clean house, sufficient lighting, elimination of architectural barriers.

Take Care Of The Caregiver

– Launching awareness campaigns towards people who (whether within or outside the family environment or in a professional, family, or voluntary way) take care of these people, providing them with psychological support services to alleviate the feeling of overload that appears as a result of the stress of caregiving.

Promote Good Treatment In The Media

– Avoiding the stigmatization of the elderly, the images that generate and enhance the clichés and stereotypes, so that simple things such as the elderly who do entirely normal things such as dancing, sightseeing, getting married, or finishing a university degree are no longer news. It was a near-impossible achievement.

Promote Psychological Care Services For The Elderly

– So that they can work on their emotions, their feelings, their desires, their desires, project their future, facilitate their decision-making, their personal and affective development, in short, to continue being what each of us is from the same moment of being born and until the last day of our life, that of our death. The right to be considered and treated as a person in every one of its facets. You can check out firms like barr & young attorneys for instance to help you in case of any abuse.

Kai Alana

The author Kai Alana