
Can You Sue For Negligence After a Car Accident?

Yes, you can! Whether you are a pedestrian involved in a car accident, a driver involved in an automobile accident or a rider of a motorcycle injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. There is no question that personal injuries and damages caused by motor vehicle collisions and accidents, particularly in Orlando, can be very costly and devastating. For this reason, every year, people who have been injured in automobile accidents in Orlando are experiencing the need to consult with an experienced attorney experienced in personal injury claims. It is better to be proactive than to suffer in the future from the consequences of a bad decision or a lack of foresight. Therefore, if you have suffered an injury, you should seek the advice of an injury lawyer in Orlando as soon as possible.

What all to do after the car accident?

  • Your first priority should be to notify your medical insurer and the authorities so that they will do their part to investigate the incident.
  • You may even want to take pictures of the vicinity of the crash.
  • A qualified attorney can help you determine whether or not the other party’s insurance policy covers the incident.
  • Additionally, your injury lawyer in Orlando will determine if any other parties’ liability insurance policies will cover the cost of your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc.

Now, you may be wondering “Can you sue for negligence after a car accident? “, since Orlando is a no-fault state. Orlando, however, has what is called a contributory negligence statute. This statute allows a person to sue a party for an injury even though that person could have been partially at fault for the accident. This type of statute also allows a “vicarious” or “substantial” negligence cause of the incident.

In order to establish a contributory negligence claim, you must show that there was a duty of care that was breached. This duty could have been to keep a proper lookout on the area, or it could have been to apply the brakes or other relevant safety devices that kept you and others safe from harm. A car accident lawyer in Orlando can help you determine whether or not your claim has a strong chance of being upheld in court. It is also important to remember, though, that the insurance company may try to have the case dismissed if it is found that you were partly at fault for the injury claim.

Kai Alana

The author Kai Alana