The question “Should I Sue after a Slip and Fall?” should be answered with the waiver of consent. This document clearly spells out what is to happen if the other party fails to warn or protect you. For example, if the party had placed red carpets on the stairs and you tripped over them, you would have a claim for slip and fall injury.
This document should be signed by the person or organization responsible for the injury. You will also need to include copies of any police reports filed in the incident as well as any medical records that were obtained as a result of the injury. These documents may take some time to produce but are definitely worth the effort. If your lawsuit is successful you may receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering (emotionally and physically), and more. The settlement will also pay for any cosmetic damages you may have suffered from the accident such as broken bones, scars, discoloration, etc.
If you have sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence then the first thing you should do is consult with a personal injury attorney. They will be able to tell you if you have a case. If your case does proceed to court, you will have to hire your own slip and fall lawyer to defend you in court. Hiring a lawyer can be expensive but it is well worth it in the long run.
After you have consulted a lawyer, you will need to determine if there was negligence on the part of the other party. Was there a warning sign that should have never have been left up? Was there a warning sign that should have warned you to not step on the carpet? Did they follow this warning? If so, then you might not have a case. On the other hand, if you have suffered injuries because of their negligence, then you have a case.
What is the next step after a suit has been filed and the damages have been awarded? The damages that are awarded to you will need to be paid for medical bills, physical therapy, pain and suffering, and any other expenses incurred as a result of your injury. Many times insurance companies will cover some or all of these expenses. Check with your insurance company to see what benefits they may provide for a plaintiff whose only fault was negligence.