
Zantac is a popular drug that is available for the masses on over the top counters which are used to treat acid reflux and heartburn issues. In 2019, FTA discovered that Zantac contains high levels of NDMA.

What is NDMA?

NDMA is a carcinogen, a substance that is capable of inducing cancer. NDMA is used for research purposes to study cancer in animals. NDMA is a toxic substance that was never mentioned in the packaging of the drug and the issue that they never revealed becomes a problematic area for the manufacturers.

Since Zantac was used by millions of people across the country without knowing that they were poisoning themselves with a dangerous substance known as NDMA, and the fact that the makers of the drug didn’t disclose the substance on the packaging, and the evidence that it has led to many people falling to various types of cancer such as stomach cancer and bladder cancer to name a few as there are more. Because of these reasons, people can file lawsuits against the manufacturer as well as the distributor for compromising their customer’s health.

Zantac lawsuits

Zantac lawsuits are claims of compensation that you can file against the manufacturer for wrongly distributing a drug containing a dangerous substance that induces cancer. Many lawsuits are being filed by people across the country and anyone who has experienced health-related issues after treating themselves with Zantac is eligible to file for a claim.

Who and how can you file for a lawsuit?

People who were diagnosed with cancer can file for Zantac lawsuits by proving that they were regular users of the drug by showing any evidence that links both the situation such as prescription bills. Other evidence you might need to establish the connection between your use and cancer would be the fact that you had been diagnosed with cancer following the use of Zantac, and the fact that you were diagnosed with cancer because of your long-time usage of the drug. If you can prove the following situations, then you will have the right to file lawsuits and sue the company who made it and sold it.

People who were caught in organ illness such as damaged liver or kidney can also file a lawsuit against the makers of the drug. They are liable for not being transparent with their customers and their negligence became a cause for a life-threatening situation for its users. Therefore, people who were injured by using Zantac can file a personal injury lawsuit and sue the companies and their distributors and claim compensation for the amount of money they invested in treating their injury.

If you or your loved one had been on the receiving end of the Zantac drug situation, then you should contact your lawyers and file Zantac lawsuits against the people who made them and sold them and have compensation for the amount of money you invested to get out of such a life-threatening situation.

Kai Alana

The author Kai Alana